Young Adult


  • Freegal: A free music service from your library that has access to about 15 million songs. All you need is your library card number and pin.
  • How To Write A Scholarship Essay Guide Information and tips about Scholarship Essays and how to write them.
  • MA RMV Practice Tests 
  • DMV Permit Test DMV Practice Permit Tests
  • University Spot: Contains information about colleges and courses, and also answers any questions regarding college applications and what earning a degree can offer.
  • College Board: Provides information on SAT registration and college searches and includes a financial aid calculator.
  • Early Action Colleges and Universities A list of colleges and universities that offer early action decisions to help you properly plan your college admission process timeline.
  • A free scholarship search resource with more than 3.7 million scholarships as well as expert advice on college financial aid in order to help students prepare for college.
  • Teen Health: Provides doctor-approved information and advice regarding any questions teens may have about their physical and mental health.
  • Go Ask Alice: A health Q & A internet service from Colombia University that provides information about fitness, nutrition, alcohol, drugs, relationships, and general health.