
New Hours

We have new hours at the TPL!

3D Printer Policy

3D Printer Policy A 3D printer is a machine for creating three dimensional models from a computer generated/aided digital design.  Our mission supports both patron… Read More »3D Printer Policy

Family Storytime

Thursdays in February. Family storytime 11AM on Facebook live! Weekly craft for children. Call you reserve a craft kid (limited available), we will also provide… Read More »Family Storytime

What’s New slideshow

We’ve created a slideshow to display our new items. Click here, or on the image above to check it out!

Vox Books!

If you are a Taunton patron, you’re now able to place holds on Vox books! Vox Books are picture books, and hardcover non fiction books… Read More »Vox Books!

Strategic Plan

The Taunton Public Library has a new Strategic Plan! You can access the plan by clicking the “about” section above, or following clicking here.